Saturday, July 22, 2006

Blogging meme

Cindy tagged me:

1) When did you first start blogging and why?

2) What don't you talk about?

3) Are you and your blogging persona the same person?

4) How do you use blogging to build friendships?

5) How would you describe your writing style?

OK, I'm printing that out and working at it on the plane. This morning I leave for a trip to NYC, then a trip to Savannah, then back to NYC. (And you though I was gone already, nope, just packing.) Dear Butcher and young son are going to have a whole week just to themselves, to which the son said, "Does that mean we can sit around All DAY in our underwear?"

Be nice everybody!!


Mailyn said...

lol have fun on your trip. I wish I would live in NY.

sybil said...

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful vacation, Suisan.