Friday, January 25, 2008

Way to go, Mystic

Atta boy!

Mystic has been recognized for his accomplishments in Cowboy Mounted Shooting, as the second Arabian to become a certified Champion Mounted Shooting horse. You have to scroll down to see a picture of him zooming around the pattern with his owner, Aida.

I once co-owned Mystic for all of about five minutes. He was a great little guy. (He's STILL a great little guy, I just haven't seen him in person for about 15 years.)

You can't tell from that photo, but he has the same insanely thick forelock that his dad did. Mystic likes to toss his head until the forelock completely covers his face and peer out through the brambles. He's full up to the brim with attitude. Very much of a "Get OUT of my way. I have a job to do." But Aida's children have ridden him bareback for most of their lives.

I don't own him. I never visit him. But I still get that swelling of pride whenever his name or picture pops up on the web.

Here's Aida's Local Cowboy Mounted Shooting club, the Massachusetts Six Shooters, if you're curious what that is.

Edited to add: If you go to the Photos page of the MA Six Shooters website, there's a video posted of Mystic competing. Blurry, but fun.


CindyS said...

I couldn't see the video but he's gorgeous and so slender. And the forelock probably gets him a lot of play ;)


Suisan said...

The forelock is lovely.

He doesn't have to worry about girls. His owner keeps him busy.