Friday, December 07, 2007

A Letter

Dear Case Manager for my son,

Well, you showed us, did you not? Now that you have stormed out of yesterday's meeting in a huff, I will certainly take your advice and counsel to heart.

I appreciate you waving your degrees in my face, and I have learned my lesson, believe you me. You're absolutely right. My son should want to earn punch-card tickets for good behavior, and he should stop expecting to get the small toys and gifts so often given to Special Ed children for a job well done. What was he THINKING, asking for a reward he could hold in his hand when he stayed through math? That card with the holes is much better!

I am chagrined to think that my expectation that my son's behavior could improve under constant positive reinforcement was wrong. Exceptionally wrong. What was I THINKING?

Also, you are so very right in expecting that I just sign the annual IEP document without reading or reviewing it. I need to respect your timeline in submitting the document to the online server, and should have signed all 16 pages of it at once. After all, the previous two times you gave me copies, which were rendered illegible by the copier not having any toner (certainly not your fault) should have provided me ample opportunity to review the (blank) pages and reach a conclusion that the meeting notes were accurate. What was I THINKING, trying to read what I was signing?

And that pesky Director of Special Services! What an odd duck she is! Telling me that I could take an additional ten days at least to review the document and prepare a parent addendum. All that talk about informed consent. Wow. I guess she doesn't respect your timeline much, you poor dear.

It was so lovely to see you this morning, all bright and sunshiney after the sturm und drang of yesterday. How quickly you recover your good moods! Don't worry, I didn't really expect an apology for your behavior or the blame you placed at my door. You are absolutely justified in your opinions. Thank GOODNESS for strong women! How would we get on without them, eh, Mrs. E.?


A parent.

PS: You are the MOST passive aggressive person I have had the displeasure of working with. No wonder my son says that he doesn't trust you anymore. No wonder his behavior is WORSE when you're around. You know how you always pressure my son to apologize to you? I'm still expecting an apology for your unprofessional behavior yesterday. Waiting. Tapping my toes. Hmmm. So very, very silent.


Chris said...

I think you missed the point of her career choice - she became a case manager so she could feel good about her role as a positive influence in the universe, not so she could help a pack of spoiled, undisciplined hooligans who pretend to have problems but are really just looking for attention.

Sheesh! How could you be so insensitive?

Kate said...

Okay. She wins some sort of award.

IN the meantime, I found your alternate life over at that coyote blog. You, in your cabin.

Anonymous said...

Neo here, being lazy.

Good lord, what a bitch. I knew that she was a pain, but that's just scary.

Suisan said...

Chris, Clearly I am the insensitive, uninformed member of the team. Shame on me.

Kate, someone on a horse website I read just posted that link too. Synchronicity. I wonder what's going to happen as the coyote gets bigger though. They do EAT cats. I wonder if she knows this -- she must.

Neo, Stop SWEARING!! signed, your Mother.

(Just kidding, Neo. I love you.)

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of how painfully obvious it was in med school -- how some of the folks who went into psychiatry desperately needed to SEE one, not BE one.

This fool should have gone into shoe-sales.